4 Types of Keyword Intent
4 Types of Keyword Intent
Navigational Keyword Intent
Navigational keywords are used when the searcher wants to get to a specific page or website.
In this case, the user typically knows exactly what they’re looking for.
Here are some examples:
Facebook login
Amazon shipping policy
Semrush keyword overview tool
Mama’s little bakery chicago address
Informational Keyword Intent
People use informational keywords when they want to learn something new.
These keywords can come in the form of questions and start with:
What is
How to
Where is
Commercial Keyword Intent
People use keywords with commercial intent when they’re doing research before making a purchase.
The user isn’t ready to make a purchase just yet.
They need a little more information before hitting that “buy” button. Which is why commercial keywords are often branded.
Here are some examples of branded commercial keywords:
Macbook pro vs macbook air
HARO alternatives
Semrush reviews
Transactional Keyword Intent
People who use transactional keywords are ready to make a purchase. Or subscribe to your services.
Let’s have a look at a list of buyer intent keywords:
Semrush promo code
Buy audi tt
Italian restaurants near me