How Keyword Stuffing Affects SEO


Keyword stuffing is bad for SEO because it leads to poor-quality content.

Unnatural keyword usage looks spammy. This can discourage users from interacting with your page or link and harm your brand image.

Also, Google rewards high-quality, person-first content. Meaning if you purposefully stuff a webpage with keywords, it’s unlikely to rank well.

Keyword stuffing also violates Google’s spam policies.

If Google detects that you’ve:

inserted keywords (particularly in large quantities) into on-site material or

Backlinks that have been built using excessively keyword-rich anchor text across multiple websites

You might notice a decline in your ranks. may possibly get a Google penalty, which is another name for a manual action. This implies that Google will conceal or eliminate your website from its search results.

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How Keyword Stuffing Affects SEO